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Unmanned Automation

Immense improvements in efficiency and productivity with ROI through cost-saving by automation and integration of Weighbridges at plants and sites.

VISIBLE Infotech is experts in innovative custom designing of the automation process, the supply of hardware with cloud-based software, mobile apps and installation, commissioning, warranty within time after-sales-service.

Advantages of Visible Automation Systems

- Assured return of investment within a year.
- Secure and reliable Weighbridge functions day and night (24×7) without any operator.
- Accelerate weighing process – a number of trucks in lesser time.
- Enables operator-less, self-service weighing process.
- Saves labor costs by eliminating the need for operators in all three shifts.
- No human interaction and no scope for manipulations at any stage.
- Drivers to follow automatic weighing operations for gross / tare weight under CCTV surveillance.
- Vehicle identification with RFID technology.
- Weighing terminal can be watched with simultaneous video recording.
- Weighing records saved and transferred electronically.
- Short or excess loading can be prevented.
- Reduces formalities, eliminates paperwork and documents.
- Archiving and safe back up of all records.
- Weighment data, photo clips, video recording are stored electronically.
- Data can be integrated with the back-office or ERP database in real time.

Bulk loading Automation

Unmanned Automation

“Bulk loading Automation”

E-Reporting/ Integration

Unmanned Automation

“E-Reporting/ Integration”

Mobile Office

Unmanned Automation

“Mobile Office”

RFID Weighbridge

Unmanned Automation

“RFID Weighbridge”